CARPE DIEM means “Seize the day.” One of the most timeless maxims still quoted in the modern world, CARPE DIEM first appeared in Odes, written by the Roman poet Horace over 2,000 years ago. The entire phrase reads CARPE DIEM, QUAM MINIMUM CREDULA POSTERO and means "pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the future." Horace intended the motto as a command to focus on the present and avoid postponing things unnecessarily, and encouragement to appreciate every moment in life. Without a firm grasp on your destiny, time can fade away in an instant, and take with it your opportunity to direct your course and pilot your fate. This pendant serves as a reminder to make the most of every moment, and be as productive as you can while the daylight lasts. How will you seize the day today?
CARPE NOCTEM means “Seize the night.” While this phrase is quoted less than its counterpart, it is still a recognizable motto and is used more often in the context of fun and enjoyment (and less in a framework of productivity). A more free translation could be "enjoy the pleasures of the night" - after all, the English word "nocturnal" draws its roots from the Latin NOCTEM. When darkness falls, the day’s work is done and many cares can be put aside until the next sunrise, and we are free to seize the night and create whatever joy strikes our fancy or take whatever rest our minds and bodies need.
We appreciate the dual nature of this juxtaposition of ideals, and enjoy the contrast that the images of day and night create. Wear this pendant with the same side always presented to a viewer, or switch between the two sides depending on which phrase you want to focus on for the day.
The daily reminder you didn't know you needed...
Stoic Wisdom + American Craftsmanship
Mindset Manifesto
How to use your pendant to create positive change in your life.
- Reviews
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Love It!
Great quality and unique product! Will be purchasing more for family and friends

Dawn to Dark
I bought this as a gift and it was very well received!! A friend who passed had worn one and to find this brought a little peace.

Strong quality, Stronger Meaning
Exceptional quality, and amazing customer service. My grandfather taught me the meaning of Carpe Diem and Carpe Noctem which was his life motto. I can now carry a piece of his wisdom with me, and it sees me through dark days. Fishing was always our thing and it’s wonderful to see maritime jewelry that passes on such strong principles! Looking forward to more of their products in the future!